Akinator the Genie santa answer need to ask a question to internet genie akinator ? Are you looking for answers? akimator offers you a space to ask anything you want and you must see the response in the ball magic . However, before each question you must write a petition for the genie. If the akimator answer is not what you expected, at least you make catharsis and ask again the genie company if you love to play tricks on your friends or family members, lead them to your mobile and introduce them to mobile genier and guessing genie . Have them genie choose a question for christmas, type it in, and santa will amaze everyone in the room. But you alone know the key to genie success! Here is how to do the ball magic it.Tell them that akinator is psychic and can the genie answer any question that they already know the answer to. Have them choose a question, type it in, you alone know the key to akinator apps success...Fool your friend with this fake "guessing genie "!HOW TO USE GENIE SANTA TRACKER****in the “genie Petition” field, just start typing the answer to the question that you’re going to ask in the next field. At the end of the answer, type "space" and akimator the genie continue typing the rest of “Santa, please answer me” To the person sitting next to you, it only appears as though you’ve typed that one question in santa claus – especially if you’re a fast typist and the ball magic answerEXAMPLE******First Petition Field "Mike"-->then complete the rest of the Petition by tiping space answer Field "What is the Name of my friend?" and click answer and you see the answer mobile genie into the ball magicSo, now you know the secret of akinator. Submitting the question that you’ve already entered the answer for and clicking OK will result in guessing genie providing your answer in mobile genieThe person next to you who’s watching will be astounded and flabbergasted by the amazing accuracy of this Akimator the GenieJust don’t be too accurate, as you’ll raise suspicion. Once you’re through, you can proudly claim another Ask The Genie Akinator believer under your belt. In doing so, you’ve perfectly portrayed the terrible gullibility that runs rampant throughout the world.download santa claus akimator the genie